Felix Althaus
Felix helped develop the first revision of custom electronics and firmware for the quadcopters used in the Flying Machine Arena (FMA).
Dr. Federico Augugliaro
Federico started working on the Flying Machine Arena in 2008, contributing to the Music in Motion project. During his PhD from 2011 and 2015, Federico developed algorithms for multi-vehicle coordinated flight, physical human-quadcopter interaction, and aerial construction. He concluded his work by using flying machines to build a 7.4 m long rope bridge that a person can walk on.
Dr. Dario Brescianini
Dario carried out his doctoral research in the Flying Machine Arena from 2013 to 2018. His research focused on the design and control of novel flying machines, trajectory planning, attitude control, and learning. He was the main developer of the Omnicopter, a high-performance flying machine that can generate thrusts and torques in any direction, enabling novel flight maneuvers. Additionally, he contributed to various core control and simulation algorithms of the Flying Machine Arena.
Dr. Guillaume Ducard
Guillaume contributed to the initial setup of the Flying Machine Arena during his postdoc in 2008. He designed the very first flight control and guidance systems for the quadcopters. He also developed the first version of the simulator, which enabled the design and debugging of various flight controllers, guidance algorithms, and multi-vehicle coordinated flights.
Dr. Luca Gherardi
Luca focused on improving the Flying Machine Arena software architecture. During his postdoc, he designed and implemented flexible communication protocols used to exchange information between the vehicles and the offboard control software. The aforementioned information includes quasi-real-time command, high-level command, configuration parameters, and state information. Additionally, he contributed to the design of a new simulator that was more modular and flexible than its predecessor.
Dr. Rajan Gill
Rajan was part of the Flying Machine Arena team from 2015 to 2019. His research had an interdisciplinary focus covering various aspects relating to VTOL UAVs. He derived low-order, yet computationally efficient, aerodynamic models for propellers in wide regimes and improved upon state-of-the-art Kalman filtering methods for states involving attitudes. Lastly, he worked on the design and control of an annular wing VTOL UAV. He also worked on path-following control algorithms for quadrotors that can, for example, achieve a platoon formation while maintaining a path constraint.
Dr. Markus Hehn
Markus worked on the Flying Machine Arena from 2009 to 2014. He contributed to and maintained the system’s core control, estimation, calibration, and simulation algorithms. Markus also developed 1) real-time trajectory generation algorithms, 2) collision avoidance methods, 3) control laws for improving tracking performance in repeated motions, and 4) task-specific controllers for aerobatic flight such as interception maneuvers and balancing an inverted pendulum on a flying robot.
Dr. Anton Ledergerber
Anton Ledergerber was part of the Flying Machine Arena team from 2015 to 2019. His research focused on ultra-wideband localization and state estimation. In particular, he developed a one-way communication protocol, a calibration procedure, and a novel angle of arrival estimation method that allowed for the accurate localization of multiple robots. Additionally, he worked on a state estimate recovery algorithm for autonomous quadcopters and an ultra-wideband radar network.
Dr. Sergei Lupashin
Sergei worked on the Flying Machine Arena since its construction in 2008. His contributions include the Flying Machine Arena middleware, the Copilot, a variety of support libraries and programs used by the Flying Machine Arena and other projects, the onboard electronics, and other core infrastructure systems. He also helped realize the first external demonstrations of the Flying Machine Arena and contributed to key design and implementation decisions guiding the evolution of the Flying Machine Arena during its first five years.
Dr. Mark Mueller
Mark worked on the Flying Machine Arena from 2011 to 2015. His research work focused on computationally efficient trajectory generation, fail-safe control for multicopters, the creation of novel multicopter designs with fewer propellers, and state estimation. Additionally, he contributed to and helped maintain various parts of the system’s infrastructure.
Dr. Raymond Oung
Ray performed his doctoral research in the Flying Machine Arena from 2008 to 2013. His primary project was the development of the Distributed Flight Array, a flying platform consisting of multiple, autonomous, single-propeller vehicles. Though the vehicles flew erratically on their own, they could drive on the ground and dock together to fly in a coordinated fashion. In addition to an initial feasibility analysis, Ray worked on the design, state estimation, and control algorithms of the Distributed Flight Array.
Dr. Robin Ritz
Robin was part of the Flying Machine Arena team from 2012 to 2017. His research investigated various topics aiming at enhancing the capabilities of small, unmanned aerial vehicles. In particular, he worked on methods that addressed problems such as carrying a non-rigid payload with multiple cooperating vehicles, improving the performance of a repetitive task through onboard learning, and designing and controlling a vehicle that combines hover capabilities with efficient aerodynamic forward flight.
Dr. Angela Schoellig
Angela carried out her doctoral research in the Flying Machine Arena from 2008 to 2012, where she developed algorithms for learning-based trajectory tracking and rhythmic flight performances. Her trajectory tracking algorithms enabled quadcopters to improve their tracking performance through learning from past trials. Angela also led the Music in Motion project, where she developed the synchronization algorithms that enable rhythmic flight performances of multiple quadcopters to music.
Dr. Michael Sherback
Michael wrote core estimation and motion-control software for vehicles in the Flying Machine Arena as a postdoc in 2009 which was in use through 2012. He also wrote a version of the overall flight control software with an architecture that allowed for a fully break-pointable simulation of flight. He created demo routines for his software including spinning, flipping, figure 8s, and more.
Dr. Weixuan Zhang
Weixuan was part of the Flying Machine Arena team from 2015 to 2018. His research focused on the Monospinner, a mechanical simple flying vehicle with only one moving part. In particular, he was responsible for the modeling, design, controller synthesis, and controllability analysis of the Monospinner.
Master's Thesis Students
Federico Augugliaro
Dancing quadcopters: trajectory generation, feasibility, and user interface
Luciano Beffa
State estimate recovery for autonomous quadcopters
Simon Berger
State estimation using UWB radios and inertial sensors
Dario Brescianini
Quadcopter pole acrobatics
Luzius Brodbeck
Quadrotor collision avoidance
Fabian Byland
The Mini-Omnicopter
Lorenzo Garbani Marcantini
Quadcopter pendulum swing-up
David Glenck
Mission-design tool for cooperating robots
Philippe Goffin
Can we do better than humans do? Learning aerobatic maneuvers from observation
Michael Hamer
Knowledge transfer for high-performance quadcopter maneuvers
David Hoeller
Augmenting ultra-wideband localization with computer vision for accurate flight
Thomas Kägi
Modeling, system identification and control of N-Coptercopters
Maximilian Kriegleder
State estimation of the Distributed Flight Array
Dennis Mannhart
Model predictive control for tailsitters
Fabian Müller
Implementation and evaluation of iterative learning algorithms for precise quadcopter trajectory tracking
Mark Müller
Quadcopter ball juggling
Robin Ritz
Cooperative quadcopter ball throwing and catching
Mina Samir
Rope deployment with quadcopters: modeling, simulation and estimation
Maximilian Schulz
High-speed flight of a tethered quadcopter
Bas van der Heijden
Iterative bias estimation for an ultra-wideband localization system
Christoph Wegmüller
Parameter identification for an autonomous quadrotor
Weixuan Zhang
Design, modeling and control of a single-propeller vehicle
Qiuchen Zhang
Aerial disturbances on quadcopters
Semester Project Students
Florian Achermann
System identification of the Omnicopter
Javier Alonso-Mora
Extending iterative learning control to multi-agent systems
Andreas Amrein
Improving the pendulum throw
Federico Augugliaro
A platform for dance performances with multiple quadcopters: graphical user interface and demonstration
Simon Berger
Fault detection and user interface for the FMA
Michael Bloesch
Quadrotor ball launching
Stefan Bötschi
Control allocation for a variable-pitch quadcopter
Dario Brescianini
Nonlinear quadcopter attitude control
Flavio Fontana
High-performance mini-quadcopter
Weili Gao
Enabling fast reversing on an open-source BLDC controller
Mario Gini
Improving the throw of the Monospinner
Sven Hubacher
Improving the quadcopter blind hover
Thomas Kägi
Design and control of an agile tiltrotor vehicle
Christoph Kammer
Quadcopter localization via landmarks and monocular vision
Harshit Khurana
Path-constrained human interaction with quadrotors
Julien Kohler
Control strategy for the over-actuated Omnicopter
Sant Kumar
Path following for quadrotors
Lorenz Meier
Low-latency wireless communication
Michael Moser
Quadcopter control by shifting Masses
Mark Müller
Automatic tuning of PID controllers for flight control
Vlad Niculescu
Online measurement model adaption
Philippe Petit
Integrating fixed-wing UAVs in the Flying Machine Arena
David Rohr
Accurate inertial measurements on MAVs
Robin Ritz
Time-optimal quadrotor control
Marvin Rueppel
Music-driven trajectory generation
Fabian Rüegg
Manufacturing an annual wing
Mina Samir
Flying with payloads
Oliver Scheuss
Brushless motor controller firmware for the Flying Machine Arena
Raphael Schottenhaml
Flying a circular trajectory with two quadcopters connected by a string
Paul Simpson
Bouncing quadcopters
Sara Spedicato
Quadcopter time optimal angular rate control
Bartolomeo Stellato
Implementation of a quaternion-based LQR controller for quadcopters
Sonja Stüdli
Fly! Iterative learning control for quadcopters
Jianwei Sun
Quadrotor platooning with virtual path constraints
Clemens Wiltsche
Precise synchronized periodic quadcopter motion in three dimensions based on feed-forward parameter
Raphael Wüest
New synchronized quadcopter motions: bounce motions in 2D
Markus Zahner
Application of machine learning to quadcopter slalom flying
Andrea Zanelli
Catching rings on a quadcopter
Emanuele Zarfati
Design of building primitives
Weixuan Zhang
Randomised trajectory generation
Bachelor's Thesis Students
Mike Allenspach
Sensor characterization for outdoor flight
Armin Ambühl
Interaction with a quadrotor via the Kinect
Federico Augugliaro
Synchronizing motion and music beat – a dancing quadcopter
Gregory Baettig
Motor torque control
Luciano Beffa
Force estimator validation
Maximilian Brunner
Modeling and control of lighter-than-air robots
Christoph Demuth
Improving the throw of the Monospinner using model predictive control and controller parameter tuning
Ivo Drescher
Tailsitter system modeling
Matthias Hofer
Implementation of a direct method for the computation of time-optimal quadrotor maneuvers
Lukas Huber
The Tricoptercopter and state estimation
Thomas Kägi
Taming LiPo batteries
Elia Kaufmann
Using magnetometers and barometers during indoor flight
Pascal Püntener
Improved filter for ball tracking/prediction
Raphael Schottenhaml
Extensions to the rhythmic side-to-side motion
Lukas Stadelmann
A flying camera
Benjamin Troxler
Generation of acrobatic trajectories for quadcopters
Martin Wermelinger
Quadcopter ball juggling optimization
Orestis Zambounis
Balancing the Omnicopter
Boris Ivanovic
Zhi Hao Luo
Kiera van der Sande
Jianwei Sun
Yilun Wu
Alex Wilkinson
Evan Wilson
Xueying Xie